About Clinic
Safety, quality, comfort and security are basic principles of Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery Neogen!
The first clinic specializing exclusively in cosmetic surgery! 40 years of experience!
Neogen Clinic, a place where you feel at home
In Chisinau there is a medical clinic which says it is the perfect place to mix benefit with pleasure. Benefit, because here is addressed to all those who need a change in their appearance. Pleasure because this is where you feel at home.
Set in an ideal location - close to the center of Chisinau city, but in a quiet area, the clinic provides cosmetic surgery for example - rhinoplasty, facelift, breast augmentation with implants generation III and IV of the brand “Mentor” (licensed in Moldova, which offers Lifetime warranty), others. For each patient, the clinic offers service packages with “all inclusive”, which means extra comfort. Conceived as exclusive beauty, the clinic offers privacy that each of us needs. Clinic is not great, but it is exactly what you need for a perfect change. This is why patients are primarily those who come from outside the Republic of Moldova, from different corners of the world, searching for a small place where you can feel at home. In 40 years of experience, Dr. Viorel Cotea, whether made beautiful a “mother” she necessarily has returned with her “daughter” and so on....This is really a plus to the concept of cosmetic surgery at HOME. And another precision - at Neogen Clinic reservations are made at least one month before. It is a sign that surgeon’s hand is required as well as his clinic location, with all the comfort, stability and security that each of us needs at a time.
Facial aesthetic procedures:
• Blepharoplasty
• Dermatology
• Facial lifting
• Rhinoplasty
• Otoplasty
Aesthetic procedures of the body:
• Abdominoplasty
• Liposuction
• Breast augmentation (breast implant) with certified prosthetic - Mentor
• Breast reduction
• Breast lift or mastopexy

1978 - Graduated the Children s Music School from Chisinau, the piano specialty
1979 - He graduated "Gh Asachi " Lyceum from Chisinau
1984 - Graduated from Medical University "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau
1986 - Graduated residency Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic
1986 - 1987 - Maxillofacial Surgery City Hospital Emergency Chisinau
1987 - He was sent, with recommendation of the Ministry of Health, the specialization in cosmetology, plastic surgery respectively (later to set up this service in Moldova), becoming the first surgeon in Moldova specialized in this type of surgery
1987 - 1992 - A cosmetic surgery service established in the Republic of Moldova to the Republican Dermatologic Dispensary, where he worked as Head of Section
1995 - He received medical equivalence studies in Romania
1995 - 1999 - The first surgeon who has done aesthetic surgery in Romania on a private, Translivania Clinic in Tecumseh (the first private clinic in Romania)
1992 - 2010 - Cosmetology Department merged with the City Center of Cosmetology (the same work, cosmetic surgery), whose name is now "Sancos", where Dr. Viorel Cotea acted as specialist plastic surgeon.
2007 - 2009 - CEO and founder of "Neogen" in Chisinau, Moldova
2010 - present - Medical Director and founder of Clinic of Aesthetic Surgery Neogen (CCE Neogen Ltd, license no. 034498)
He performed over 40,000 operations (cosmetic surgery) within 40 years in the field;
He holds numerous training certificates evidencing the field both at home and abroad;
In addition to initial specialization in Moscow, has improved training in France and Romania;
He is a member of professional societies in Moldova, France, Russia and Romania.
Hobby - photography, music, fishing.
Clients Testimonials
Sunt foarte mulțumită de rezultatul operației. Îi sunt foate recunoscătoare atât Domnului doctor Viorel Cotea, cât și personalului simpatic pentru nivelul înalt de îngrijire.
Желаю вашей клинике большого творческого пути! Да, именно творческого, потому что это не только клиника, а настоящая художественная лаборатория. Таких специалистов, как доктор Котя мало, но ели вы с ним знакомы, считайте себя счастливым человеком. Уже как 10 лет я знаю доктора и хочу сказать ему большое спасибо за то, что в корне изменил мою жизнь.
I had a rhinoplasty in the clinic by Dr. Cotea. He is amazing! Has done a very natural nose without changing any of my facial expression. I recommend any procedure in this clinic everyone is lovely flexible and Professional. My mum had few procedures there too and can’t describe how happy we all are! Highly recommending this clinic and doctor! 05.02.2019
Vreau sa aduc sincere mulțumiri întregului personal a clinicii estetice Neogen în special domnului Dr. Cotea Viorel. Am rămas profund impresionată de profesionalismul, atenția, grija și dedicarea personalului față de pacienți, fapt care îmi schimbă enorm imaginea sistemului medical din Republica Moldova și în special a clinicii Neogen. Nu-mi rămâne decât sa le doresc din tot sufletul multă sănătate, forță, noi realizări cât mai frumoase în activitatea zilnica! Sănătate personalului și mulțumiri din suflet. 08.10.2018