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Face lifting

Facelift, aging face surgery
In recent years, aging facial rejuvenation surgery has gained popularity. When we say this we mean that lately more men turn to cosmetic surgery. And even if facial lifting is the most popular method of creating beauty, facial rejuvenation surgery is not limited to losing skin, wrinkles and cheek shapes, with which they often work. While some patients are consulting their doctor for problems of appearance, others seek to correct certain operational difficulties that arise as time passes. Specialists say that many male patients, fed up with their tired appearance and functional difficulties which they have, regain their confidence in themselves right after the surgical correction. Although lifting is best known method from the beauty series of operations, facial rejuvenation surgery is not limited to the skin losing, supplemented by other operations and adjuvant methods to mitigate wrinkles or other defects. Some are visible to the naked eye, while others are not. Thus, the muscles lose their tonic, epidermis thickens, reduce subcutaneous fat, which makes the skin crossed by small wrinkles. Connective tissue fibers of the dermis lose their elasticity, pores expand, the skin loses its velvety appearance, whereas the amount of water is reduced and thus the phenomenon of dehydration occurs. This leads to formation of the swollen skin right under the eyes and the double chin appearance. Therefore, when we talk about aging skin, we refer usually to wrinkles. And this because they come more clearly highlighted.

Factors that determine the aging face
Aging skin is observed at some people earlier in their life while at others later. Etiological factors of skin aging consist mostly of sun exposure, smoking, bone atrophy and subcutaneous fat, weight loss and accumulation, folds repeatedly produced by habitual facial expression (face mimics - crying, laughing, etc..), constant action of the gravity and heredity. Also to this we can add other factors such as excessive makeup in case of women, alcohol, tobacco, small hours of sleep and generally unbalanced life. For example, patients who live in a humid climate are protected by the climate, in comparison with ones living in an arid climate. The latter can determine deepening of the facial wrinkles. However, repeated exposure to sunlight is the most important factor contributing to the formation of wrinkles. Those who have thin and dry skin tend to show earlier signs of aging. However, they noted the best results after surgery with imperceptible incisions. Patients with thick skin, darker skin or fat people tend to age more slowly. In such cases more often deep scars remain after the surgery.

Indications facial lifting
Patients who require a face lift surgery are generally middle aged or old people. They complain of a lowering fat and skin below the cheeks toward the neck. Cheeks begin to form even right from the chin, creating a lean line down the neck. Lax skin and excess fat at neck level may create the impression of a double chin. Lower under the nasal region the deep trench lines become more pronounced. Wrinkles are formed around the neck, mouth, forehead and eyes, where muscles pull the less elastic skin. Delimited fat from the neck muscles gives the appearance of “turkey goiter”, disorder that may offend some adults with aging. These tracks formed by muscular platysma can be observed through the weak connective tissue when the patient pushes his chin to and fro. Many of the patients will not only look younger, but also fresher. They spend more time in the front of mirror, strengthening by themselves their own facial skin, to see how it would look after a surgical intervention. Often, however, this does stress the defects, moving them lower. Excessive extension of the lower nasal region, cheeks shape and mouth gives an unnatural appearance. Using a lift to a higher floor of the face, associated with a stretch back, facial lift can restore the natural contour remarkably smooth, lower face, cheeks and neck line. Ideal candidates for facelift are the physically and mentally healthy persons, and even relatively weak. Correction to overweight patients only by lifting the skin is not permitted, but improvements can be obtained by the method of associative liposuction of the neck and cheeks.

Men facial lifting
Statistics show that every day the number of men who want to have a facelift is a growing. The process is almost similar to that performed in women; however, some local features require small deviations from classical techniques.
Men cut their hair short and do not use make-up. So they are disadvantaged in terms of postoperative bruising and scars. To keep favorites, preauricular incision will work in a way that they will go to temporal lobe region. An issue which lies at the opposite occurs in the auricular rotation flap which contains hair follicles and there is a probability growth of hair behind the ear. But this inconvenience can be resolved by an electrical depilation. To reduce wrinkles up front and eyebrows can be made an incision on the upper edge thereof and the flap is the normal traction in reverse.

Mini lifting
If a lifting operation is required on a smaller facial area, the incision may be limited to that appropriate area. These small interventions are more effective for upper level - cheekbones, temporal, eyebrows - they are indicated in particular to the patients under the age of 40 years.

Side effects
Hematoma - a consequence of non-coagulated blood vessel, the blood pressure oscillation prone hypertensive partial flap necrosis - in patients with impaired blood microcirculation (smoking, heart disease), traumatic approach, hematoma fester - sepsis failure, low immunity palsy - for facial lift superficial, often can be affected temporal branch of facial nerve. Impairment of major branches of the nerve held in SMAS. Attention to dissection! Hypertrophic scars - are formed in particular auricular, an area prone to chalazion, especially in case of a tension suture. Alopecia - damages of the hair follicles, tissues operated traffic disturbances.


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