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Breast Implant
Reasons of using breast implants
Implants are recommended in the following situations:
• Breast augmentation - recommended for modification to increase the size and proportions of a woman's breasts. European Parliament "calls on the implants in women under 18 be allowed only on medical grounds"
• Breast reconstruction - is executed to restore breast shape in women after masectomy or injuries that resulted in partial or complete loss of the breast or to correct a birth defect.
• Replacement or correction - replacement or correction procedure in patients with previous enlargement or reconstruction operations, which have used silicone gel implants or saline.
• Change the case of choice of other sizes, not earlier than one year.
Situations where breast implants are not a solution:
Implants are contraindicated to women who:
• Which have malignant or premalignant cancer of the breast, without proper treatment;
• Wich have active infection in any area of the body;
• Are pregnant or breastfeeding;
What types of silicone gel breast implants provides Mentor?
All Mentor gel breast implants containing silicone gel are cohesive. Implants can be of three types of cohesive filling material: Cohesive I (standard), Cohesive II (moderate), Cohesive III (high). Implants are provided in a variety of shapes, surface textures and sizes. Implants are available Siltex coatings, textured or smooth. Also, implants are available with a single coating of silicone gel filled or cohesive silicone dilator / mammary prosthesis silicone coated inner outer saline-filled silicone cohesive silicone gel filled.
Talk about the best treatments with your surgeon.
Family gel breast implants (fixed volume)
Rouded styles:
• The smooth surface of the cover to levels I and II of cohesion.
• Profiles: moderate plus and high.
Factors to be considered when performing a breast implant
Life with breast implants:
• Whether you get an enlargement or reconstruction, most likely will be needed more medical visits and repeated operations plus the life of a patient with breast implants.
• Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices use. The lifetime of a patient with breast implants may be required implant removal with or without replacement.
• Many changes in the patient's breast, consecutive operation of implantation are irreversible (can not be eliminated). If the patient decides later to remove the implant (s) may appear unacceptable cosmetic breast changes, such as folds, folding, shrivelling.
• Breast implants may affect a patient's ability to produce enough milk for breastfeeding. Also, breast implants will not prevent sagging breasts after pregnancy.
• Routine Mammography may be difficult if breast implants and the patient may need additional tests, which means more time and more radiation.
Operation steps of implantation
Choosing a surgeon:
When choosing a surgeon experienced in performing breast implant operations, you must ask the following questions:
A. How many operations to increase or surgeon performs breast reconstruction in a year?
Two. How many years surgeon performed breast implant surgery?
Three. What is the most common complication encountered by the surgeon for breast implants?
Four. What is the frequency of reintervention of surgery for breast implants and is the most common type of operation that a surgeon performs for reintervention?
Following breast implant surgery should be understood and discussed with the surgeon:
• The size of the implant
Generally the higher the desired breast size, the greater size of the implant (in cubic centimeters, cc) considered by the surgeon.
Also, the surgeon will evaluate existing tissue to determine if sufficient to cover the breast implant.
If size is too large to implant tissue available, the doctor can warn you that breast implant edges may be visible after surgery. This may even cause complications from surgery. Also, breast implants can enhance the effects of gravity too high and cause sagging breasts early.
• Surface texture
Siltex is the trade name associated texture Mentor's breast implants. Surface texture was designed to provide an area where hard tissue of the body to interact with collagen implant.
Mentor also offers free implants or smooth textures.
• Shape, height and prominent implant
Mentor offers breast implants cohesive gel, with round or shaped Contour Profile. Rounded implants are available in various prominent (low profile, moderate, moderate plus, and high) and Contour Profile form implants are available in different heights (low, medium and large).
• Levels of gel cohesion
Mentor silicone gels are cohesive polymers and not liquid. Although they are soft and give a sense of fluidity, they acted as one. Mentor gels are available in three different levels of cohesion, but all showing this property.
Cohesive I
The standard cohesive level gel used in Mentor implants. It is Mentor's softest gel.
Cohesive II
A little gel firmly implants feel more strongly.
Cohesive III
The Mentor's cohesive gel, providing shape retention and a pleasing level of firmness.
• Tangibility
Implants may be palpable (more easily felt) for the following reasons: textured implants, larger implants, subglandular placement and lack adequate amount of skin / tissue to cover the implant.
Location of implant
Breast implant can be placed either partially under the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular) or above the muscle and under the breast glands (under glandule). Factors for and against implant placement should discuss with your surgeon.
The under muscular placement may make surgery and recovery operation to last longer, can be painful and may make it difficult to carry out procedures for reintervention than subglandular placement. Possible advantages of this location consist of implants less tangible and easier breast imaging with mammography.
The under glandular placement may make surgery and recovery operation is shorter, the easier performance of reintervention procedures than with submuscular placement. However, this location may result in more palpable implants and breast imaging more difficult with mammography.
• Locations for incision
Factors for and against the location of the incision should discuss with your surgeon. There are three usual incision sites: under the arm (axillary), around the nipple (periareolar) or fold of the breast (under-breast). If the incision is made under the arm, the surgeon may use a probe fitted with snap camera video with a minimum set of tools invasive to create a "bag" for the breast implant. The fourth place of incision: the navel (umbilicus) using an endoscopic technique poorly studied and therefore not recommended.
The incision is more visible than if periarelorar presenting less difficulty breastfeeding unless periareolar incision.
This incision is most concealed, but the likelihood of a failure of lactation is higher compared to other incision sites.
The incision is more visible than periareolar incision presenting less difficulty in breastfed than if periareolar incision.
Info taken from, partner Neogen R. Moldova.

- Fotografierea pacientului inainte de de efectuarea interventiei chirurgicale
- Expunerea vizuala a actualei si viitoarei imagini / trasarea liniilor viitoare ale procedurii operatorii
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- Fotografierea pacientului post operator (activitate fotografica)
- Asezarea in pagina a imaginii pacientului ante si post operator